Hi, How to color the first column as I did for the first line ? Thank you Fabrice \definecolor[fondpaille][c=0,m=0,y=0.2,k=0] \starttext \startluacode local letters_1 = { "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J" } local letters_2 = { "A", "0", "1", "1", "0", "", "", "", "", "" } context.startxtable({"align={middle,lohi}, width=1.25cm,offset=0.8ex"}) context.startxrow() context.startxcell({"background=color,backgroundcolor=white,frame=off"}) context("") context.stopxcell() for _, letter in ipairs(letters_1) do context.startxcell({"background=color,backgroundcolor=fondpaille"}) context(letter) context.stopxcell() end context.stopxrow() context.startxrow() for _, letter in ipairs(letters_2) do context.startxcell() context(letter) context.stopxcell() end context.stopxrow() for i=2,10 do context.startxrow() context.startxcell() context(converters.convert("A",i)) context.stopxcell() context.stopxrow() end context.stopxtable() \stopluacode \stoptext