I see code like # define luametatex_version 210 # define luametatex_revision 10 # define luametatex_release 10 # define luametatex_version_string "2.10.10" starting with C99 these become unnecessary. Rather they should be like const int luametatex_version=210; const char* luametatex_version_string="2.10.10"; These ensure type-safety in the code and are good coding practice. On Fri, Jan 19, 2024 at 1:56 PM Shiv Shankar Dayal < shivshankar.dayal@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Hans,
I saw the C code of LuaMetaTeX and I saw a lot of gotos which is not good coding practice. These potions of code which have goto should be refactored.
I am a C programmer, but I know very little of TeX. If you can point me towards where should I start for TeX(perhaps TeX Book or TeX for the Impatient), I can help with refactoring of code to make is more efficient/easier.
-- Respect, Shiv Shankar Dayal
-- Respect, Shiv Shankar Dayal