Hello again, just trying to understand some remaining issues with my latest project. --- startcode --- \starttext % Setups \setuppagenumbering[ alternative=doublesided, location={header,right}, strut=yes, state=stop] % chapter title in the header, % but not on first page of chapter % pagina also in the header, always \setupheader[text][state=stop] \setupheadertexts[text][chapter][pagenumber] \setuphead[chapter][header=high] % Content % some firstmatter stuff left out \setuppagenumbering[state=start] % table of contents % without header, without pagina % but page numbering starts here { \setuppagenumbering[location=] \title{Inhalt} \placecontent \page } %\page % too late! \setupheader[text][state=start] \chapter{10 \times\ Tufte} \dorecurse{10}{\input tufte} \stoptext --- stopcode --- (1) % or 0? ;-) I struggled how to leave out the pagina on the ToC page, no setups seemed to work. I just reckognized that I need the \page inside of the braced area. (2) How can I leave out the chapter header on the first page of a chapter, but keep the page number? (Probably simple?) (3) One can "hide" the page number with "location=", but the header on the first page of a chapter with "header=high". Is there any logic behind that? Greetlings from Lake Constance! Hraban --- http://www.fiee.net/texnique/ http://wiki.contextgarden.net https://www.cacert.org (I'm an assurer)