Dear gang, For export we have to tag paragraphs. After block quotes, itemizations, etc, the context determines whether the first line of the next paragraph should be indented, so we use the indentnext=auto mechanism. But with \start|stopparagraph it doesn't seem to work: See attached. ==================== \setupindenting[big,yes] % Do not indent the first line of a block quote \setupdelimitedtext[blockquote][before={\blank[medium] \setupindenting[no]},after={\blank[medium]}] % Do not indent the first line after a block quote \setupdelimitedtext[blockquote][indentnext=auto] \starttext \startparagraph \input ward \stopparagraph \startblockquote \input ward \stopblockquote \startparagraph \input ward \stopparagraph \startblockquote \input ward \stopblockquote \startparagraph \input ward \stopparagraph \stoptext ==================== From what I understand, if [indentnext=auto] is activated then a blank line after the environment should activate indenting; no blank line after the environment should impede indenting. In this example, we get no indentation either way. Am I missing something, or is it a bug? By the way, something like \setupdelimitedtext[blockquote][indentnext=yes] \startparagraph[indenting=no] \input ward \stopparagraph would be a nice feature. Any chance? Best wishes Idris -- Idris Samawi Hamid Professor of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523