Almost for sure (99.9%) I have made some deeeep mess with last context distro. Now, I would like to discover where I have corrupted my installation. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \setupcolors[state=start] \starttext %%\global\runMPgraphicstrue \startuseMPgraphic{hans} width :=\the\textwidth/5; height := width/4; fill fullcircle xscaled width yscaled height withcolor red; %withcolor (\RedGreenBlue); \stopuseMPgraphic \framed{\useMPgraphic{hans}} \stoptext %% NO texmfstart texutil --purgeall; texexec --pdf b %% NO texmfstart texutil --purgeall; texmfstart texexec --pdf b %% YES texmfstart texutil --purgeall; texexec --pdf --automprun b %% NO texmfstart texutil --purgeall; texmfstart texexec --pdf --automprun b Open to any suggestion. luigi