Hi, Is it possible to set pen width using properties(...)? The following does not work (the color is set, but not the pen width): \starttext \startMPcode property p[] ; p[1] := properties(withcolor red withpen pencircle scaled 1bp); p[2] := properties(withcolor blue withpen pencircle scaled 10bp); draw fullcircle scaled 1cm withproperties p[1]; draw fullcircle scaled 2cm withproperties p[2]; \stopMPcode \stoptext Also, what is the advantage of using properties over a simple def? (except that I cannot def a suffixed variable). For example: \starttext \startMPcode def qA = withcolor red withpen pencircle scaled 1bp enddef; def qB = withcolor blue withpen pencircle scaled 10bp enddef; draw fullcircle scaled 1cm qA; draw fullcircle scaled 2cm qB; \stopMPcode \stoptext Thanks, Aditya