6 Jul
6 Jul
5:40 a.m.
Here is a minimal example of my attempt to get a footnot(s) just below a table. As it is the footnote is dislayed to the right of the table. Minimal example: %--------------------------- \starttext \midaligned { \startlocalfootnotes % [conversion=set fnsym] \setupnotation[footnote][rule=off] % change footnote symbols \starttable[|c|c|c|c|] \HL \VL col-1 \VL col-2 $\dagger$\footnote[myfootnote]{Re: X} \VL col-3 \VL col-4 \VL \MR \HL \stoptable % \placelocalfootnotes[here] \placelocalfootnotes[here] \stoplocalfootnotes \setupnotation[footnote][numberconversion=n,rule=on] % restore footnotes to global } \stoptext %----------------------------------