Hi Paul,
I recently switched from "Papers" (Mac only, commercial) to JabRef.
Advantages: JabRef is open source, and I can use it at work (Macs) and
at home (Linux). I like it -- it has everything I need (searching
PubMed etc., managing a collection of pdf-files...).
Cheers, Jörg
Quoting Paul Menzel
Dear ConTeXt folks,
using ConTeXt and not LaTeX you maybe also use a nice reference management software the main stream does not know about. But probably it is not related to ConTeXt at all since it is BibTeX in the end.
I found a comparison in Wikipedia [1] and consider to use JabRef.
[1] https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Comparison_of_reference_manag...
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