On 2014-07-02 Idris Samawi Hamid ادريس سماوي حامد wrote:
I have an urgent project that needs three outputs: pdf, epub, and kindle. The formatting needs are pretty basic.
What is the recommended, more efficient workflow for this sort of thing?
For multichannel publishing it is a must to keep your data in semantically rich form. I strongly recommend switching from non structural macros to self-validating XML markup (DocBook, DITA). This 'Single Source Publishing' approach opens new possibilities. Besides ePUB (you can convert/degrade it to MOBI in Calibre) and PDF you can get a lot of other outputs out-of-the-box (Webhelp, CHM, JavaHelp, LaTeX, ConTeXt, ...). But to be honest, both setting up and customizing the workflow require a specific skill set so it is IMHO not well suited for 'urgent' projects... Btw, there is a special user group with many related topics on linked.in: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/Ebooks-Elearning-Epub-3-HTML5-2414597?gid=24 14597 Regards, Jan