\setupheadertexts[margin][{\tfc bu}][\ifnum\pageno = 1\NamedExternalLink{../../../../bu/8/8_3_refkom/1/inhalt.pdf}{last}{\symbol[PfeilNachLinks]{} §}\else\PrevOrNextPage{/PrevPage}{\symbol[PfeilNachLinks]{} §}\fi\hskip.5em\ifnum\pageno = \lastpage{§ \symbol[PfeilNachRechts]}\else\PrevOrNextPage{/NextPage}{§ \symbol[PfeilNachRechts]}\fi]
i do not think that the problem is caused by the header texts.
Well, but removing the header texts gives me a working pdf file. So it might be a strange interaction between the header text and figure names. You should definitely try to reduce the file size to a minimum, otherwise it is hard to track the problem down. Patrick -- ConTeXt wiki: http://contextgarden.net texshow-web: http://texshow.contextgarden.net List archive: http://archive.contextgarden.net