Hello and welcome to the world of ConTeXt! I was in you place about one year ago :) The best way to get started with fonts is probably the simplefonts module. I haven't used anything since I started and was able to do everything I wished for, so far. Installation: Run first-setup.sh --modules="t-simplefonts" if you use Context standalone (if not, refer to http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Modules for installation and download links). Then this file should get you started: %%% BEGIN \usemodule[simplefonts] \definefontfeature[default][default][mode=node,script=latn,kern=yes,palt=yes,tlig=yes,trep=yes,init=yes,size=yes] %some default features \definefontfeature[frac][default][frac=yes] % opentype 'frac' feature for nice fractions \definefontfeature[sups][default][sups=yes] \definefontfeature[onum][default][onum=yes] % old-style figures \definefontfeature[lnum][default][lnum=yes] \setupsimplefonts[expansion=quality, protrusion=quality] % sort of microtype thing. makes things look better =) \setmainfont[Myriad Pro] % set Myriad as main font \definesimplefonttypeface[sb][Myriad Pro][regularfont=myriadprosemibold, italicfont=myriadprosemiboldit] % define a second font called 'sb' for semibold \starttext Test normal\\ {\sb Test semibold}\\ {\sb \it Test semibold}\\ {\bf Test bold}\\ Opentype font feature demonstration:\\ {\addff{onum} 1234} 1234\\ {\addff{frac} 1/17} \stoptext %%% END
Hello, I am coming to ConTeXt from LaTeX and have a typescript question. I was searching for information on the mailing list about defining semibold and other font variants, and found the following. Can you tell me if further information is only available in the book "context mkiv -- Fonts" or can I find it somewhere else? I have searched through the revised Fonts chapter of the ConTeXt manual but the \definefontalternative macro and the approach described here are not documented there.
The approach below works for me if I adapt it to Adobe Garamond Premier Pro, but I am attempting to build a typescript for that handles optical weights, small caps, etc and I have not been able to make it work yet.
Before I try posting a minimal example, I would like to be sure that I am looking at the right documentation. I have looked at the "Fonts in LuaTeX" page on Contextgarden as well, but I don't think I have a full understanding of typescripts using OSFONTDIR fonts yet. If there is something I am missing please let me know.
Thanks, PPN
Based on ideas from the forthcoming book "context mkiv -- Fonts":
% note: I have deleted all lines except the relevant ones for defining % the semi bold alternatives
\definefontalternative [sb] \definefontalternative [si]
\definebodyfont [default] [ss] [sb=SansSemiBold sa 1, si=SansSemiBoldItalic sa 1]
\starttypescript [sans] [myriadpro] \definefontsynonym [MyriadPro-SemiBold] [name:myriadprosemibold] \definefontsynonym [MyriadPro-SemiBoldIt][name:myriadprosemiboldit] \stoptypescript
\starttypescript [sans] [myriadpro] \definefontsynonym [SansSemiBold] [MyriadPro-SemiBold] [features=default] \definefontsynonym [SansSemiBoldItalic] [MyriadPro-SemiBoldIt] [features=default] \stoptypescript
\starttypescript [myriadpro] \definetypeface [myriadpro] [ss] [sans] [myriadpro] [default] \stoptypescript
\sb Hello \si Italic
-- Peter Park Nelson peter.park.nelson@gmail.com