Hi, I'm currently trying to make a command that outputs different text depending on the situation it has been called, but I'm absolutely stuck there (I'm not very familiar with TeX, so it's probably obvious to most of you :-/). It currently looks like this: \doassign[mycite][last=] \def\mycite[#1]{% \footnote{% \doifelse{\mycitelast}{#1}{Ebenda}{\cite[alternative=data][#1]}% } \doassign[mycite][last=#1] } The idea is as follow: if I cite the same citation two or more times in a row (e.g. Some text\mycite[chan_genetic_2005] ... more text\mycite[chan_genetic_2005]) it should only output the whole quotation the first time, and "Ebenda" all the other times. But as it seems, the \doifelse always evaluates to false and therefore outputs the whole citation every time. Does someone see what I might be doing wrong? Or is there even a better way to do this? Thanks, Andreas.