Am 16.10.2012 um 13:08 schrieb Hans Hagen
On 16-10-2012 12:52, Sietse Brouwer wrote:
The problem is that \starttabulate does not accept a format parameter.
Cheap solution (only figured it out now, or I'd have replied before): use
before every \startalpha call. It's not very contexty syntax, but on the other hand it requires no new definitions at all.
Full example below. Cheers, Sietse
\definetabulate[alpha][|l|] % dummy format \setuptabulate[alpha][style=bold]
\setuptabulate[alpha][format={|r|r|r|}] \startalpha \NC r \NC r \NC r \NC \NR \NC test \NC test \NC test \NC \NR \stopalpha
\setuptabulate[alpha][format={|c|c|}] \startalpha \NC c \NC c \NC \NR \NC test \NC test \NC \NR \stopalpha
There's also:
\definetabulate [whatever] [|l|r|]
\definetabulate [whatever][else] [|l|c|r|]
\startwhatever \NC l \NC r \NC \NR \NC left \NC right \NC \NR \stopwhatever
\startwhatever[else] \NC l \NC m \NC r \NC \NR \NC left \NC middle \NC right \NC \NR \stopwhatever
Can you add a second argument to custom tabulation which would allow one to write \startwhatever[format={…}] or \startwhatever[else][format={…}] to change the number of columns and format for a certain table. Wolfgang