indeed annoying (and depressing); it also means that you cannot copy an old tree to a new linux installation (this is what i found out recently); on windows, one does not have this problem (since it carries previous versions of libraries); i don't know how sensitive macosx is for updates It is precisely the same situation as Win98 refusing to run WinXP binaries. (except it doesn't outright refuse that, it just makes them crash unexpectedly and unexplainably) Well, or Adobe Reader 7 refusing to install on Windows ME* and demanding at least WinNT SP x or Win2000 SP 2, fortunally there is GhostScript to
Hi, Taco Hoekwater wrote: print PDF files. (The PDF file didn't print with 6.0.) Tobias * I fully agree with most world (incl. Microsoft), that WinME is bad, but to update Windows just for AR is a bit too much. PS: That neither CorelDraw Linux 9/Linux (not anymore) nor CorelDraw Windows via Wine (not yet) runs here on my (too modern) Linux, is also annoying.