On 10 aug. 2012, at 21:09, 19:59:36, Hans Hagen
The next beta has:
\definelow [MyLow] [style=\txx] \definehigh [MyHigh] [style=\txx] \definelowhigh [MyLoHi] [style=\txx] \definelowmidhigh[MyLoMiHi][style=\txx]
We have \ruledhbox{\low {L}} and \ruledhbox{\MyLow {L}} and \ruledhbox{\high {H}} and \ruledhbox{\MyHigh {H}} and \ruledhbox{\lohi {L}{H}} and \ruledhbox{\MyLoHi {L}{H}} and \ruledhbox{\lomihi{L}{M}{H}} and \ruledhbox{\MyLoMiHi{L}{M}{H}}.
Hi Hans, I just tested this for the figured bass symbols in my text. It is perfect. And it has at least one important advantage over the plain-TeX method, kindly offered by Michael Rogers, in that it uses the same font as that for he main text, which, in my case, will be probably a sans-serif font. The plain TeX solution, as far as I could see, uses only the serif version of LM, so it would haven given me serif-like figured bass symbols in an otherwise sans-serif document. Thank you very much. Kind regards, Robert