Todd DeVries mailto:todd@equaltext.com 2. April 2017 um 01:47via Postbox https://www.postbox-inc.com/?utm_source=email&utm_medium=sumlink&utm_campaign=reach Hello everyone,
Thanks to all who helped me better understand the issues surrounding my question. The document style I am following requires that the first three headings are included in the table of contents. Headings one and two are easy, as they stand on lines by themself. Heading three must be aligned with the left margin in bold and followed by a period. The rest of the paragraph or paragraphs folllow.
This style makes sense visually, bold text at the margin represents a change in topic. less so when reading or editing with audio output (My computer does not have a monitor attached.) Using good sectioning allows one to fold the document for navigation and organization. Consider how Org-mode in Emacs works as an analogue. I started thinking that life would be easier if heading level 3 sections could be both structural, for navigation, and visual, inline with their first paragraph.
This idea holds true both in source text and in the pdf output. Properly tagged pdf documents allow one to jump by structural elements (heading to heading, paragraph to paragraph. In a perfect world one could have it both ways: a structural element like a section, but placed inline as though it were just another layout token. The audio using tagged structure indicates a topic change, while those using their eyes just see the bold text.
Hopefully this short explanation adequately describes my reason for addressing the list.
The inline heading in your example doesn’t work because \startparagraph forces the end of a paragraph for the preceding text. As you want only tags for the content of your paragraph you can enclose your text in \bpar … \epar instead of \startparagraph … \stopparagraph. Wolfgang