Am 20.03.2013 um 15:29 schrieb "Meer H. van der"
I see. But this is not working too. Following your suggestion I now get: \edef\thisdate{\ctxcommand{currentdate("month, ,day, , year","\currentlanguage")}}\writestatus{***}{\meaning\thisdate} *** > macro:->\labeltext {march} 20 2013 The problem is essentially the same.
\starttext \writestatus{***}{\cldcontext{os.date("\letterpercent Y\space\letterpercent m\space\letterpercent d")}} \stoptext
I am most unhappy with this, because fixing the current date in some macro shouldn't be impossible.
\starttext \writestatus{***}{\number\normalyear \space \number\normalmonth \space \number\normalday} \stoptext
And why all those extra ,s in month, ,day, , year?
This should be “month,space,day,space,year”, “space” in this list is a keywords to add a space between the entries.
I would suggest that besides \currentdate one should be able to also use \currentdate[month][day][year][language], \currentdate[day][mont][year][language],etc. And then be able to store the expansion in a macro. Is it possible to incorporate this in the next beta?