On Sun, 09 Feb 2003 19:18:31 +0100
Hans Hagen
At 12:18 AM 2/9/2003 +0100, you wrote:
On Sat, 08 Feb 2003 20:23:07 +0100 Hans Hagen
wrote: in any case it makes sense to cook up a decent system for namespacing so that all those mpt, metaobj and metafun can work together
currently i use a prefix for variables and a postfix for macros, i.e mpt_VariableName or Macro_mpt for the mptricks package. The problem is that it is useful for internal macros and variables but not for the user interface.
Additionally, this problem is not only important in the ConTeXt arena, so what do you think about opening a MetaPost or TeX-and-Graphics mailinglist. There things like the current thread could be discussed. Has anybody good conections, for example to NTG, to organize this.
getting an ntg list is no problem, as long as we keep that list low bandwidth, keep the context related questions on the context list, since -)
something ntg-metapost for mp specific things sounds ok to me
could you ask for this list? Jens