19 Dec
19 Dec
9:39 a.m.
The attach.
Jorge Magalhães
On 19 Dec 2021, 08:18 +0000, Jorge Manuel
Dear Sirs
I try to tabulate information in two columns: in the first a have a text sentence in the second I need to include a list of itens. My approach is like this:
\starttabulate[|p(4cm)|p|] \FL \NC Objetivos \NC Estratégias \NC\NR \LL \NC Melhorar a qualidade do sucesso educativo \NC \startitemize \item one \item two \stopitemize \NC\NR \HL \stoptabulate
On some cases the text and the list are correctly confined to the limits (\LL and \HL). But, in other cases, in the second column is inserted a gap (see the attach). How can I fix this.
Thanks in advance.
Jorge Magalhães
Jorge Magalhães