Hi, When I want to write in LuaLaTeX by "tex.print" command some text string that is defined in an external lua-file, so <crlf> characters in LuaLaTeX appear as the Greek letter "omega". The Greek letter omega has in the font CM code 0x0A, which is a line feed. It seems that the end of the line is interpreted not as the end of the line, but a letter. When I define a text string directly in the source file, everything is OK. Please do not know how to solve this problem? Thanx Jaroslav My minimal example: A) If everything is in one source file for example: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[utf8]{luainputenc} \usepackage{luatextra} \begin{document} \directlua{ text=[[aaaaa bbbbb ccccc]] tex.print(text)} \end{document} so the correct typesets: aaaa bbbb cccc BUT B) Where part of Lua code is in an external file "externalfile.lua" whose content is as follows: text=[[aaaaa bbbbb ccccc]] then the LuaLaTeX source code: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[utf8]{luainputenc} \usepackage{luatextra} \begin{document} \directlua{dofile("externalfile.lua") tex.print(text)} \end{document} typesets: aaaaaOMEGAbbbbbOMEGAccccc (where OMEGA is Greek character omega) PS: Use [[... ]] as a kind of "quotation marks" can bypass traditional "or simple '. The problem is that these strings must bet a backslash \\ . This character has a different meaning in LaTeX. Therefore I would prefer using [[ ... ]]