Am 21.01.2017 um 11:11 schrieb Hans Hagen:
On 1/20/2017 9:42 PM, Peter Rolf wrote:
the nested color inherits the transparency from it's surrounding color.
\definecolor[colA] [r=0,g=0,b=0.01,t=0.2,a=1] % transparent \definecolor[colB] [r=.278431,g=.235294,b=.545098] % opaque
\starttext \startcolor[colA] \definedfont[SansBold at 96bp]Titanfall\, \startcolor[colB]2\stopcolor \stopcolor \stoptext
ConTeXt version: 2014.11.26 21:43
Maybe intended behaviour, maybe a bug. Donno.
colorspace, color and transparency are different axis
\definecolor[colX] [r=.5] \definecolor[colY] [t=.5,a=1]
\startbuffer \dontleavehmode \blackrule[color=colX,width=3cm]\hskip-1.5cm \blackrule[color=colY,width=3cm] \stopbuffer
\getbuffer \par \color[colY]{\getbuffer}
\getbuffer \par \color[colY]{\getbuffer}
\getbuffer \par \color[colY]{\getbuffer}
it just happens that coming from mkii colors can have transparencies
as Alan says: they are different things (also in metafun)
\startMPcode fill fullcircle scaled 4cm withcolor "red" ; fill fullcircle scaled 3cm withtransparency (1,0.5) ; fill fullcircle scaled 2cm withcolor "green" withtransparency (1,0.5) ; \stopMPcode
Thanks for the clarification. Stupid me :D