On Thursday 23 September 2010 19:38:46 Aditya Mahajan wrote:
%D \macros %D {setupinitial,placeinitial,checkinitial} %D %D {\em To be documented.}
So you do not consider the source itself as the documentation :)
Copied verbatum! I (still) read documentation better than source code, although I am learning how to read \TeX macros and now even lua functions. I am also supposed to work on *writing* the documentation!
But it does not quite work as lettrines.
Indeed. Otherwise, there would no need for a separate module. Actually, it will be nice if the functionality of lettrine can be merged with \placeintial.
Would be very nice. Do you have good ideas about how to better parse the beginning of text? One needs to be clever.
\lettrine{L'}{objet} de cette commande\dots
Other heuristics might apply in different cases.
And there are sentences starting with quotations, etc.
As in: \quote{The rain in Spain...} Maybe others on the mailing list can suggest many particular cases. Alan