On 25-1-2011 9:35, Andreas Harder wrote:
Am 25.01.2011 um 21:18 schrieb Marco Pessotto:
Hans Hagen
writes: - If you are adventurous you can add the following to cont-new.mkiv
This will postpone font loading and will be default soon. This saves runtime when you use another font than latin modern. When no font is loaded before the first \starttext, modern will kick in. A side effect is that any text typeset before \starttext will not show up in the output. If you observe that, you need to setup a bodyfont explicitly beforehand. In practice there should be no problems. The delayed loading is somewhat tricky but has been tested for a while.
If felt adventurous and I found the following problem:
%%%% minimal example %%%% \usetypescript[libertine] \setupbodyfont[libertine,12pt]
\starttext \startitemize[1] \item one \item two \stopitemize \stoptext %%%% end %%%%
It fails because itemize seems to require some math characters (the bullets) and the libertine font seems not to have them. lmodern don't kick in, it just fails:
Works for me with the latest minimals. For Libertine bullets you can use the following:
\setupbodyfont[libertine] \definesymbol[1][•] % otherwise LMMathSymbols10-Regular
\starttext \startitemize \item one \item two \stopitemize \stoptext
we can consider adding some suitable math font \starttypescript [libertine] \definetypeface [libertine] [rm] [serif] [libertine] [default] \definetypeface [libertine] [ss] [sans] [biolinum] [default] \definetypeface [libertine] [tt] [mono] [default] [default] %definetypeface [libertine] [mm] [math] [times] [default] \quittypescriptscanning \stoptypescript at some point i want to redefine the bullets to be more clever (it is a pitty that regular text bullets are often so small) Hans ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | voip: 087 875 68 74 | www.pragma-ade.com | www.pragma-pod.nl -----------------------------------------------------------------