11 May
11 May
2:21 p.m.
btw, doesn't gwtex set the TEXMFCNF env variable?
It does not get a useful value. TEXMFCNF is defined at compile-time and its setting in a texmf.cnf file is ignored for obvious reasons. The compiled-in version shows my compile environment which differs from the install environment on people's system. Try kpsewhich -expand-var=\$TEXMFCNF in a Terminal window. I had to do this if I wanted to make my TeX install relocatable and I had to make it relocatable to enable the option that people who do not have sysadmin privileges can install the TeX i-Package in their home directory and still work with it. In short: everything in TeX is relocatable at run time except the location of texmf.cnf. G