Hi, I have prepared a beta release of the bibliography module, and uploaded it as http://tex.aanhet.net/bib/m-bib-beta-20050927.zip Because it is only a beta, I have not fixed the documentation yet. The differences between this version and the one in the ConTeXt distribution are outlined below. I know that the wishlist is quite long, and there are even still bugs I have not looked into, but I have to release *something* otherwise nothing will ever happen. Somehow I never seem to get around to working on the module. :-( Comments (and testfiles) are welcome, and feel free to update the wishlist on the wiki : http://wiki.contextgarden.net/User:Taco/Bib Happy TeXing, Taco ============================================== Bugfixes: * The extra spaces in the output of authors and editors inside the publication list should be gone. * \newbibfield now works as advertised * It is possible to use context commands with the same name as a bib fieldname inside the arguments of the fields. This now compiles correctly: \startpublication[k=garden,t=misc,a={Wiki people}] \thekey{Wiki people} \title{The \type{\ConTeXt} garden} \note{See also \useurl[pedia]{http://wikipedia.com}\url[pedia]} \url{http://wiki.contextgarden.net} \stoppublication New features: * Two new styles are now part of the distribution: bibl-apa-de.tex and bibl-ssa.tex * \cite now accepts \setupcite arguments in the optional argument, so you can do stuff like \cite[right={, chapter 5)}][key] The commands \cite[alternative=author][key] and \cite[author][key] are equivalent * The bibtex fields URL and LASTCHECKED have been added to the bst files. * Two new \setupcite arguments 'andtext' and 'otherstext' have been added, and the language-dependancy of the bst files has been removed. * There is a new type of \citation: \cite[url][key] It does not do any kind of interaction, if you want that you have to wrap the \cite in another command. Internally, this uses the new 'u=' argument to \startpublication. * Also, \cite[doi][key] now actually does generate the doi in the text (this uses the 'o=' argument to \startpublication) * Finally, you can get selected data bits from a publication by using \getcitedata [url] [garden] to \gardenlink (in this case, \gardenlink will be \def-ed to the value of the \url{..} field in the bib item with label 'garden'). Discontinued: * I have removed t-bibltx.tex. All it did was define the \newcommand command, and you are better off using the new latex emulation module for that. * I dropped support for the INSTITUTE field in bibtex (it was never actually used anyway)