On 2/14/21 10:32 PM, Hans Hagen wrote:
On 2/14/2021 9:24 PM, Pablo Rodriguez wrote:
But I‘m afraid it will take some time before I can provide a minimal sample showing the issue.
We have plenty of time in these lock down days.
Many thanks for your reply, Hans. Might I suggest a couple of implementations in ConTeXt for these lockdown days? Parallel streams (both in pages and columns) have been already mentioned here by some other users. BTW, a nice version of three streams in two facing pages can be seen at https://archive.org/details/aristo-teles-poetica/page/n54/mode/1up. The other suggestion would be page registers for footnotes (such as in http://www.faenumpublishing.com/uploads/2/3/9/8/23987979/hippocrates_on_airs...).
Many thanks again for your excellent work with ConTeXt, Maybe some bad tuc file? Sometimes wiping it helps.
I overlooked that XML output was different from a newer version of pandoc (which I use in Windows). The new version included the same class for parent and child element (parent <div> and child <h1>). Of course, this lead to crash, since my lpath selection took for granted that only the parent <div> had that class. In my case, copying everything to a new "testing" file (or bunch of files) and start removing lines is the way to discover what is wrong in the code. Many thanks for your help, Pablo -- http://www.ousia.tk