Dear List! I did this example, which works perfect. If i would like to take a new page after the Table of Content, is \page the right way? % mode=mkiv \setuppapersize[A7][A7] \language[de] %list the "subject" sections in the ToC but don't modify the "section" counter: \setuphead[subject] [incrementnumber=list] %"width": distance between number and text in the ToC entry, "margin" : indent of ToC entry relative to left page margin \setuplist[section][width=1.5em] \setuplist[subsection][width=2.5em, margin=1.5em] \setuplist[subject] \setuplist[subject, section, subsection] \setupcombinedlist[content][list={subject,section,subsection}, alternative=c] \starttext \placecontent \setupuserpagenumber[numberconversion=romannumerals] \setcounter[userpage][5] \page \subject{Vorwort} \page \setupuserpagenumber[numberconversion=numbers] \setcounter[userpage][12] \section{One} \subsection{Sec A} \section{Two} \subject{Bibliography} \stoptext Uschi