Am 06.03.2015 um 20:02 schrieb Hans Hagen
: On 3/6/2015 6:42 PM, Fabrice Couvreur wrote:
Hi, Is it possible to change the shape of the dots of macro \periods[n] to be like the dots of macro \definefiller[dots][left=\dontleavehmode, right=\hskip\ZeroPoint\par] ?
% in cont-new.mkiv :
\def\periodsymbol {.}
\unexpanded\def\enco_periods[#1]% {\dontleavehmode \hbox\bgroup \enco_periods_indeed[#1,\periodsymbol,]}
\unexpanded\def\enco_periods_indeed[#1,#2,#3]% {\setbox\scratchbox\hbox to \periodswidth{\hss#2\hss}% \dorecurse{\iffirstargument#1\else\periodsdefault\fi}{\copy\scratchbox}% \egroup}
\starttext \startlines x\periods x x\periods[10]x x\periods[10,{,}]x x\periods[10,{!}]x \stoplines \stoptext
Why the weird syntax, something like \periods[n=10,symbol=!] would fit better. Wolfgang