On 24 Dec 2021, at 16:45, Jason Ross via ntg-context
wrote: Dear list,
Is it possible to set the maximum table of contents depth to a number rather than providing an explicit list of section names?
I am developing an exporter for Org mode. In Org, users can specify the number of levels they want in the table of contents with a number. I currently do this by having the sectioning commands be known to the exporter so I can generate a command like \setupcombinedlist [content] [list={section,subsection}] for n=2.
I'm considering using \start/stopsectionlevel for sectioning commands instead. That way, users could add \definesectionlevels to the document preamble to use whatever sectioning scheme they wanted. However, this would mean that the exporter wouldn't know what sectioning commands to use the TOC setup.
Can you not specify a full list of sections in your exporter code and then truncate that list to the appropriate value of n before generating the ConTeXt source from the truncated list? Assuming you are using an Emacs macro to do the export then the following code will return the first 2 from the list of section types: (let ((list '("part" "chapter" "section" "subsection" "subsubsection" "subsubsubsection" "subsubsubsubsection"))) (butlast list (- (length list) 2))) I stole that from StackOverflow so I'll leave it to you work out how to get your depth variable substituted for the 2. :-) Note that you probably don't want "part" but I include it for completeness. Best to start with "chapter". — Bruce Horrocks Hampshire, UK