5 Nov
5 Nov
12:34 a.m.
On Thu, 5 Nov 2009, Vyatcheslav Yatskovsky wrote:
Thank you, Aditya, for help!
My further questions:
Why after={}or after= does not remove the space between enumeration caption and next paragraph?
For example:
\defineenumeration[exercise][title=yes, text=Вправа, prefix=yes,
prefixset=section, titleleft=, titleright=, after=]
\exercise{Розрахунок кривої, яка плавно з'єднує заданий відрізок та точку на площині}Якщо нам потрібно з'єднати, наприклад, відрізок, який лежить...
produces blank line after the caption.
Change location=top (the default) to location=serried.
Now you probably think that giving me advise to use enumerations was not good idea ))
Its alright as long as you add something about enumerations to the wiki :) Aditya