2009/6/18, richard.stephens@converteam.com
I've recently started using mkiv because of the fonts, but I have found lots of things that don't work. The trouble is, I don't know if it's just me, or whether I need to go back to mkii until things settle down.
Can someone, PLEASE, tell me if they get any of the following problems with mkiv (I've included code snippets): Everything below works perfectly in mkii.
1) References to equations appear as '??' in the final document
\placeformula[eq:pythag] \startformula a^2 = b^2 + c^2 \stopformula Pythagoras proposed \in{equation}[eq:pythag].
2) References to footnotes appear as '??' inside \startlocalfootnotes...\stoplocalfootnotes
\startlocalfootnotes This has a note.\footnote[fn]{Footnote.} See note \note[fn]. \stoplocalfootnotes
3) References to sections are repeated (e.g. reference to section 1 appears as '11' or ref to section 1.1 appears as '1.11.1')
\section[sec:one]{Section one} It was in \in{section}[sec:one].
4) \digits command falls over at periods or commas with "\textfont1 is undefined (character 58)."
5) \infull command does not work for abbreviations: falls over with "Missing } inserted."
\abbreviation {KF} {Kalman filter} Rudolph Kalman invented the \infull{KF}.
Please help!!
Same thing here with 1,3,4,5. 2 works fine. I've noticed also 3 problems since I switched to MKIV: a) Floatcaptions are no longer placed: \externalfigure[dummy] \placefloatcaption[figure]{blabla} b) \start...\stopregister results in an error: hmmpf\startregister[index][identifier]{Hmmpf}\page[yes] \dorecurse{2}{hmmpf\page[yes]} hmmpf\stopregister[index][identifier]\page[yes] \placeregister[index][compress=no] c) I'm not able to build caption numbers with the chapter number as prefix: I want for example "Fig. 2.6" where "2" is the chapter number and "6" the figure number by chapter. I tried all the options I found for setupcaptions (at least I think so), but I dont get the chapter number in the caption. LuaTeX, Version beta-0.40.5-2009061123 (Web2C 2009) ConTeXt ver: 2009.06.14 21:01 MKIV fmt: 2009.6.18 Thanks in advance for any hint Greetings Tom