Jeff Smith wrote:
Hi all!
I'm trying to work with environements, projects, products and components. I have the following setup, involving juste one component at the moment:
The component file is named acoustique.tex:
\startcomponent acoustique \product prd_articlesdemo \project project_dhfq2
[some text]
Then, in the same folder, there's the product file:
\startproduct prd_articlesdemo \project project_dhfq2 \component acoustique \stopproduct
Then, in the same folder, there's the project file:
\startproject project_dhfq2 \environment env_dhfq2 \product prd_articlesdemo \stopproject
Then, in a folder above my working folder, there's the environment file:
\startenvironment env_dhfq2
[too much stuff to paste here]
Now when I compile either the component or the product, I get:
TeXExec | no ctx file found TeXExec | nothing to process
TeXExec normally say this if there is not any file mentioned on the command line, or if it cannot find any file based on the name supplied on that commandline. Quick recap (but you probably double checked all of this a number of times by now): 1. your file is called prd_articlesdemo.tex 2. you (as a user) have file permissions to read the file 3. you are in the directory where that file is 4. your command is: "texexec prd_articlesdemo" That really should do the trick. I am clueless about what else could be wrong. Best, Taco