Aditya Mahajan
On Sun, 10 Apr 2011, Alasdair McAndrew wrote:
There's a wiki page all about typesetting url's, but I can't seem to get them to work. All I want to do is to display a url in a typewriter font, for document printing - I don't need a live link. What I want is for the output to be similar to that provided by LaTeX's url package, so that, for example: \url{https://This_is_a_url.html} would be appropriately typeset, including all such ascii characters as underscores.
What's the canonical way to do this?
Try this: \setupinteraction[state=start] \starttext \goto{\hyphenatedurl{http://domain.tdl:6666/id=15&ln=test\letterpercent 20_test\#2}}[url(http://domain.tdl:6666/id=15&ln=test\%20_test\#2)] \stoptext IIRC there has been a discussion about the percent (%) in url, so maybe this workaround isn't needed anymore. Anyway, this is what I usually use. -- Marco