On 9 Feb 2025, at 15:38, Steffen Wolfrum
wrote: %\tracingcommands \plusfour %\tracingmacros \plusthree \tracingoutput \plusone \tracingpages \plusone \tracingparagraphs\plustwo \tracingrestores \plusone \tracinggroups \plusone %\tracingifs \plusone \tracingnesting \plusthree %\tracingassigns \plustwo \tracingmath \plusone \tracingalignments\plustwo \showboxbreadth \maxcount \showboxdepth \maxcount \tracingonline \plusone
\starttext \placelist[section] \section{test} \stoptext
This constellation will still end in a fatal error.
But un-commenting any one of those four remaining lines will create the PDF.
\tracingall works for me (also on a Mac) in the sense that the MWE still fails as opposed to being a "VW switch" as Hraben puts it. So for the MWE: \starttext \tracingall \placelist[section] \section{test} \stoptext the last few lines of the log file are: 9:15: {luacall \listtitle} 9:15: \currentlistindex ->1 9:17: {the letter U+0074 t} 9:17: {the letter U+0065 e} 9:17: {the letter U+0073 s} 9:17: {the letter U+0074 t} 9:16: {\relax} 9:15: \dostoptagged -> 9:14: {\else: \ifempty (level 2, line 7, nesting 2)} 9:14: {\fi: \ifempty (level 2, line 7, nesting 2)} 9:13: \endstrut ->\relax \ifhmode \spac_helpers_remove_unwantedspace \ifcase \struthtdp \else \spac_struts_end \fi \orelse \ifmmode \spac_helpers_remove_unwantedspace \strut \fi 9:14: {\relax} 9:14: {\ifhmode: (level 2, line 7, nesting 1)} 9:14: {true} 9:14: \spac_helpers_remove_unwantedspace ->\ifnum \lastboundary =\c_spac_keepspaces_boundary \expandafter \unboundary \orunless \ifnum \lastnodetype =\gluenodecode \orelse \ifnum \lastnodesubtype =\indentskipsubtypecode \else \unskip \expandafter \spac_helpers_remove_unmtx-context | fatal error: return code: 1 HTH — Bruce Horrocks Hampshire, UK