Dear wizards of ConTeXt, may I bother you with a small question about my typescripts (yes, that is a minor obsession with me...). I have two fonts defined in typescripts, font bar is scaled at a certain factor to match the size of font foo. If I specify an "unusual" size for the bodyfont (say 19.5pt), I have to put these lines in my preamble: \definebodyfontenvironment[19.5pt] \starttypescript [serif] [default] [size] \definebodyfont [19.5pt] [rm] [default] \stoptypescript and I get the output I want, but alas, not in the footnotes: there, font bar is not scaled. Would it help to add the size of the footnote font in these definitions explicitly? And what would this size be (I thought it was "small" which should default to 19.5/1.2=13.83, but adding 13.8pt didn't work)? I tried to read font-ini.tex, but this line {\doifdefined{\s!default########1####1} made my head explode... Thanks, and best Thomas