The normal \doif... commands don’t work because they aren’t expandable but you can use the \expdoif... commands (look into setup-en.pdf for all of them). Wolfgang
Pablo Rodriguez mailto:oinos@gmx.es 10. April 2018 um 19:18 Dear list,
thanks to Wolfgang, I learnt to set conditional format in xtables, such as in:
\setupxtable [foregroundcolor={\ifnum\currentxtablecolumn=2 red\else green\fi}] \starttext \startxtable \startxrow \startxcell one \stopxcell \startxcell two \stopxcell \startxcell tree \stopxcell \startxcell four \stopxcell \stopxrow \stopxtable \stoptext
My question is whether I can use ConTeXt conditionals instead of the ones from TeX. {\doifelse{\currentxtablecolumn}{2}{red}{green}} doesn’t work here.
Many thanks for your help,