Am 08.03.2012 um 12:10 schrieb Marco:
On 2012-03-08 Tobias Columbus
wrote: I am new to ConTeXt and asked myself if it is possible to have only the number of an enumeration in the margin and the title in `serried` position.
\setupitemize [inmargin]
Then I tried some fiddling in the context code and this directly leads to my second question: I modified the file strc-des.mkiv.
The enumeration code is in strc-itm.mkvi, the file strc-des.mkvi (or strc-des.mkiv in older versions) is for the description code.
However, the changes seem to be ignored by my context binary. What did I do wrong? I also tried context --generate, but that also did not i make context aware of my changes.
You have to recreate the format as well:
context --generate && context --make
You need “context --generate” only when you add new files. Wolfgang