Hi, Just a question about blocks... I consulted the manual, but I'm in trouble: I have this definitions: % the exercise \defineenumeration [exercici] [alternative=serried,text={\startcolor[darkblue]Exercici\stopcolor},stopper={.\space},left={\bgroup},right={\egroup},width=fit,headstyle=\ss,distance=0.25em,width=fit] \defineenumeration[resposta][headstyle=\ss,text={Solucions},width=fit,alternative=serried] \defineblock[resposta] % the answer \hideblocks[resposta] And in my text, I have: \startexercici \beginresposta \resposta Exercici 2 (Solucions: \startitemize[a,text] \item D, \item I, \item D, \item No té relació, \item D, \item D, \item No té relació, \item No té relació, \item D.\stopitemize) \par \endresposta \stopexercici ... \startmode[solucions] \subject{Respostes} %Answers \selectblocks[resposta][criterium=section] \stopmode ... Is there any way that the answers (resposta) has the same number as the 'exercici' in which it belongs to? If not, I have to put "Solutions of exercici 2" in my 'resposta' Thank you very much