On 2012-05-31 Procházka Lukáš Ing. - Pontex s. r. o.
When the t-MD.mkiv is processed by \processmarkdownfile, only "AAA -4" appears from the line "AAA -4 % BBB", so " % BBB" is ignored (skipped).
When the percent sign is entered straightly in the \start/stop-markdown scope, it's shown OK.
How to enter the percent sign into the file to be processed by \processmarkdownfile so that % is really typeset in the final document?
The markdown module uses a custom lua parser, which does not support all features of markdown and has some bugs. I would recommend using pandoc in combination with the filter module for the conversion. Try your example with the following setup (you need to have pandoc in your PATH). \usemodule[filter] \defineexternalfilter [markdown] [ filtercommand={pandoc \space --from=\externalfilterparameter{format} \space --to=context \space %--standalone \space --output=\externalfilteroutputfile \space \externalfilterinputfile \space }, format=markdown, ] Marco