On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 14:25, R. Bastian wrote:
i try to use tikz:
\usemodule[tikz] \usebodyfont [sansserif, 10pt] ... \starttikzpicture[] \draw (0cm, 0cm) -- (5cm, 5cm) node {vous êtes ici}; \stoptikzpicture
the text in the figure is not 'sansserif' but cmr-like.
How can I get the same 'sansserif' than in the body ?
TikZ does the following: \def\pgfutil@font@tiny{\tfxx} % How to do this correctly? \def\pgfutil@font@scriptsize{\tfxx} \def\pgfutil@font@footnotesize{\tfx} \def\pgfutil@font@small{\tfx} \def\pgfutil@font@normalsize{\tf} \def\pgfutil@font@large{\tfa} \def\pgfutil@font@Large{\tfb} \def\pgfutil@font@huge{\tfc} \def\pgfutil@font@Huge{\tfc} \def\pgfutil@font@itshape{\it} \def\pgfutil@font@bfseries{\bf} \let\pgfutil@font@normalfont=\rm \let\pgfutil@selectfont=\rm So it basically forces "\rm" switch at the beginning of every label. You get even more weird results with the following (text is LM, but math is iwona): \usemodule[tikz] \enableregime[utf-8] \usetypescript[iwona][ec] \setupbodyfont[iwona] \starttext \tikz \draw (0cm, 0cm) -- (5cm, 5cm) node {this is cm, but $math\in\Im νοnα$}; \stoptext So the question is: what command should TikZ use to switch to "normal" font? I have tried replacing \rm with \tf and then iwona started working properly. What do others think? Should we request replacing \rm by \tf in TikZ? Mojca