On Nov 24, 2010, at 11:47 PM, Jon Crump wrote:
Having abandoned apache's FOP, I've now been trying to get my arms around XML typesetting with conTeXt with the help of Thomas's excellent tutorial at http://wiki.contextgarden.net/TEI_xml. With some difficulty I got the philostratus.xml/lorem ipsum example to work, save for errors like this from the \definemargins command:
! You can't use `\dimexpr' in restricted horizontal mode.
(The marginal notations are typeset, but so are the distance arguments)
What version of ConTeXt are you using? I don't get this error with the latest beta. Updating your MacTeX (which really is a slightly modified TeXLive) might be difficult, so I would recommend trying the minimals. Arabic: others will be able to help you; there is a number of Arabic users on this list some of whom are regulars. Good luck Thomas