Aditya, thanks for the information adding \setmathfont[modern] It fixed the problem for the default bullet symbols. But, it did not fix the case where I'm trying to use the $\diamond$ symbol as the bullet, and compile time errors occur. I will attach the log file. Hopefully you can identify what is missing. I apologize for my lack of knowledge about fonts details and handling at this poing, but am learning. Here is the minimal exampple: -------------------------------- \usemodule[simplefonts] \setmainfont[ipaexm] \mainlanguage[ja] \setmathfont[modern] \definesymbol[5][$\diamond$] \starttext \startitemize[5,columns,unpacked,two,broad] \item 此の行にbulletを打つ。 \item One more column for good measure \item 此れは何処に置かれるでしょうか \stopitemize \stoptext ---------------------------------------------------------------- Regards