5 Feb
5 Feb
8:06 p.m.
Am 05.02.2009 um 19:45 schrieb Michael Bynum:
Ah, I think I see. So "\define[1]\mysectionhead{\bfa \WORD{\underbar{#1}}}" would also be valid. Is \define a context equivalent to the \def command for tex? I couldn't find much documentation on it.
\define is ConTeXt's equivalent to \newcommand in LaTeX, you can set with the optional parameter the number of arguments. It makes a check if the command you create is already defined and writes a message to the terminal. Usage: \define\commanda {First Command} \define[1]\commandb{Second command: #1} \define[2]\commandc{Third command: #1 #2} \starttext \commanda \commandb{text} \commandc{text}{text} \stoptext Wolfgang