Hello list, having the xml data at the bottom, I would like to process it so that the result is like this: --- What it is (e.g. bold formatted) date: 2023-08-01 (italic) Description (small font size) Another text (small font size) hd1 - Header 1 § 1 First (A first short description) AAAAAAAAAA BBBBBBBBBB § 2 Second (A second short description) CCCCCCCCCC DDDDDDDDDD § 3 Third (A third short description) EEEEEEEEEE FFFFFFFFFF --- How can I process the <element>s differently? The first element contains a <date> tag and so it differs from the other ones. The second element's <name> tag contains the word "Header" which makes it different again. The other elements contain a <shortdescription> tag that they all have in common. What could be the appropriate xml setups to generate the above output? Michael --- xml data: \startbuffer[xmlcontent] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <document> <element> <mdata> <name>What it is</name> <date>2023-08-01</date> </mdata> <tdata> <content> <p>Description</p> <p>Another text</p> </content> </tdata> </element> <element> <mdata> <num>hd1</num> <name>Header 1</name> </mdata> <tdata> <content> <p>Text of Header 1</p> </content> </tdata> </element> <element> <mdata> <num>1</num> <name>First</name> <shortdescription>A first short description</shortdescription> </mdata> <tdata> <content> <p>AAAAAAAAAA</p> <p>BBBBBBBBBB</p> </content> </tdata> </element> <element> <mdata> <num>2</num> <name>Second</name> <shortdescription>A second short description</shortdescription> </mdata> <tdata> <content> <p>CCCCCCCCCC</p> <p>DDDDDDDDDD</p> </content> </tdata> </element> <element> <mdata> <num>3</num> <name>Third</name> <shortdescription>A third short description</shortdescription> </mdata> <tdata> <content> <p>EEEEEEEEEE</p> <p>FFFFFFFFFF</p> </content> </tdata> </element> </document> \stopbuffer