On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 10:15 PM, Hans Hagen
<pragma@wxs.nl> wrote:
Alan Stone wrote:
> I'm still trying to reproduce the layo-05.tex example Hans. As its code
> is rather tortuous I studied other examples. Up till now this has been
> quite a time investment without noticeable return, partly due to not
> finding a comprehensive \*interaction* commands documentation to
> guide me all along.
the problem with interaction is that there is not one route ... the
simplest way is to just turn it on (\setupinteraction[state=start])
next there are only a few special interaction things: goto, buttons and
menus and it really depends on your design then what you use
the other thingies (graphics and such) ar enot special to interaction
you can run layo-05.tex with --mode=demo to get a simple example, given
at the bottom of that file
an option is to copy that file into a temp one and start commenting ...
that way you see what happens; normally a style is built the other way
- set up a papersize
- adapt the layout
- start keying some text
- then see what kind of text you have
- adapt your design to the content
now, esp with things like menus, finetuning really depends on the kind
of content; the best way to get a feeling for that is just try things
(at least that's how i do it ... just try what looks best as there is no
recipy for a design)