On Fri, 17 Jun 2016, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Pavneet Arora mailto:pavneet_arora@waroc.com 17. Juni 2016 um 14:22 I tried to use Aditya's suggestion (which was for Natural Tables) to keep paragraphs on the same page:
but I don't seem to have much success with the MWE I posted earlier.
Try as a might, I cannot seem to keep the paragraph head "{\ss\tfc English (Grade 12)}" and the hairline together. I can, however, keep the hairline and the following lorem text together, but I need all three elements to float as a group: the paragraph header, hairline, and paragraph body.
Would anyone have any suggestions on how to accomplish this? You can put everything in a framedtext to keep it together.
Or, just put everything in a TABLE (that does not split, by default): \setupbodyfont[9pt] \setupindenting[yes,medium,next] \setupwhitespace[small] \startsetups subjects \setupTABLE[frame=off, align={normal,hyphenated}] \setupTABLE[column][1][width=0.3\textwidth] \setupTABLE[column][2][width=0.7\textwidth] \setupTABLE[row][1][style=\ssc, bottomframe=on, toffset={2\bigskipamount}] \stopsetups \starttext \blank[8*big, force] \dorecurse{10} {\startTABLE[setups=subjects]}] \NC ENG4U \NC English (Grade 12) \NC\NR \NC[nc=2] \input{lorem.tex} \NC\NR \stopTABLE} \stoptext Aditya