Jan Heinen did some heaving wiki editing in order to achieve better categorization of different topics on the wiki.
One particular part where your help would be welcome is a big number of different commands listed here: http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Category:Commands It would be great to assign one or more categories to each command.
I hope we get some help of all the people around here that use ConTeXt. With organizing existing information we can improve the documentation of ConTeXt and help beginners and maybe also experts. Woutld be nice if everyone who gets help from this mailinglist gives a little back to ConTeXt :-) This was my motivation to engage for the documentation. You can count on me :-) Regards Jannis -- Better organization and integration of all ConTeXT-information: http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Category:ConTeXt ............ All information arround ConTeXt http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Category:Commands ........ Commands !!! new: "One-Click" from every command in the wiki to the rich resources of the ConTeXt-mailinglist