Arthur, with your command, I get an empty line as return. My question still stands: what is the expected result for this test?
Sorry, I should have been clearer in my previous email: the relevant part of that command is not its printed output on the terminal, but its return value, that you can test with “echo $?” right after running the command. In that context, 0 means true (yes, it may be counter-intuitive), so you would expect a non-zero result (often 1) since you don’t have musl (and, presumably you do get 0).
If I run the command
ldd --version 2>&1 | grep -q ^musl
from inside my system, grep will report all the subdirectories with a line
grep: XXX: Is a directory
This really does feel like zsh is interpreting the command in some unhelpful way.
So: if the test defaults to "musl" when the return is non-empty, that would explain a lot. And it should be adapted since it puts a lot of confidence into the return of this command.
Agreed. Best, Arthur