23 Apr
23 Apr
12:55 p.m.
Hello, I'm new user of ConTeXt (for one week) and I would like to connect ConTeXt with a database(Oracle, PostegreSQL, MySQL...). Is it possible or must I write a PERL script to export datas in XML files ? I found this in mail archive : \startSQL my_query \stopSQL but I don't know how to use this (how to use the result of the query, where I write database connection's parameters...). Do you know where can I find a manual or any help? Thanks in advance, P.S. : I'm French and my English isn't very good. I'm sorry about this. Frederic Leguedois ########################################### This message has been scanned by F-Secure Anti-Virus for Microsoft Exchange. For more information, connect to http://www.F-Secure.com/