On Wed, 24 Dec 2008, Hans Hagen wrote:
Aditya Mahajan wrote:
The dsrom math font only works partially with MKIV, and I do not understand what is happening. Consider the following example from http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Doublestroke (which I wrote, after suggestions on the mailing list). One needs the fonts, which are part of TL and are also available at http://ctan.org/tex-archive/fonts/doublestroke/
%======================================================================= \loadmapfile[dstroke.map]
\starttypescript [math] [modern,computer-modern,latin-modern,ams] [size] \definebodyfont [17.3pt,14.4pt,12pt][mm] [mb=dsrom12 sa 1] \definebodyfont [11pt,10pt,9pt] [mm] [mb=dsrom10 sa 1] \definebodyfont [8pt,7pt,6pt,5pt,4pt] [mm] [mb=dsrom8 sa 1] \stoptypescript
\definetypeface [modern] [mm] [math] [modern] [ams] [encoding=texnansi] \setupbodyfont[reset,modern,10pt]
\definefamilysynonym [default] [doublestroke] [mb]
\def\dstroke {\fam\purefamily {doublestroke}}
\starttext $\doublestroke{E} \doublestroke{1}$ \stoptext %=======================================================================
This works correctly in MKII (Both E and 1 are shown in dsrom font). However, in MKIV the 1 is shown in LM Roman rather than dsrom.
Is this a bug in context font handling, or a bug in the typescript?
I am using: context version: 2008.12.01 10:25 This is LuaTeX, Version snapshot-0.30.3-2008112812
Thanks. I never understood why one needed to define such things using familysynonyms. The above defintition makes more sense. I will clean up the wiki examples for using other fonts.
\starttext $\doublestroke{E} \doublestroke{1}$ \stoptext
indeed does not give a dstroked 1 ... i wonder why; maybe something with the mathcodes
But why does it work if I replace mc by mr (as Wolfgang showed). Also, how can I check the mathcode of a character, other than going through the sources and figuring out where it is set. Aditya